Thursday, April 20, 2006

New edition of CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics available online!

Did you know that you can access the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics online through the UMass Amherst libraries?

Our online subscription has just been updated to the most recent (86th) edition of the handbook. Changes include:
- Includes seven important new tables and extensive updates and expansion of 20 others

- Incorporates substantial revisions to the Bond Dissociation Energy and Standard Transformed Gibbs Energy of Formation for Important Biochemical Species tables

- Updates the valuable Sources of Physical and Chemical Data appendix

New tables!

1. Vapor Pressure of the Metallic Elements
2. Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions
3. Proton Affinities
4. Electron Inelastic Mean Free Paths
5. Selected Properties of Semiconductor Solid Solutions
6. Vapor Pressures (Solvent Activities) for Binary Polymer Solutions
7. Density of Sulfuric Acid
To access the online version of the CRC Handbook, just visit the UMass Libraries homepage, click Databases, and navigate to C for CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
